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First clear, detailed indisputable evidence of carbon dioxide found in exoplanet atmospheres

Press release describing the first results from the JWST Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Team, which includes four Carnegie scientists and was published in Nature.

JWST to reveal chemistry of ancient galaxies, is taking data for first of six Carnegie-led projects

Press release accompanying first JWST observations from Carnegie-led program. Includes links to videos describing several of the Carnegie-led JWST Cycle 1 programs.

New roadmap to finding and assessing Earth-like exoplanets for habitability

Press release about the NASA-NSF Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Working Group’s final report, making recommendations for a pathway to achieve Earth analog detections using EPRV.

New technique could elucidate earliest stages of planet’s life

Press release about the PFS observations showing the orbit of a transiting planet around the 45 Myr old star, DS Tuc A, is well-aligned (Zhou et al. 2020, Montet et al. 2020)

Gas giant composition not determined by host star

Press release about Teske et al. (2019), in which we measured the compositions of stars that host cool, giant planets, and found a surprising result that we think is related to giant planet formation!


TESS mission helps uncover trio of planets with one possibly habitable world

Press release about an exciting new three-planet system, which was hiding like buried treasure in our radial velocity data but needed TESS data to help confirm.

TESS finds its first Earth-sized planet

Another press release HD 21749, this time highlighting the smaller, Earth-sized planet detection

TESS discovers its third new planet, with longest orbit yet

Press release about two new planets detected by TESS, which we helped confirm with Magellan/PFS radial velocities

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Signs of a ‘super Earth’ discovered around a nearby star

Press release about a small planet detected around Barnard's star, the second closest star (and closest single star system) to our own.


Rocky planet neighbor looks familiar, but is not Earth’s twin

Press release about the composition of exoplanet host star Ross 128, and what it might imply for the composition of the orbiting rocky planet.

Are you rocky or are you gassy? Carnegie astronomers help unlock the mysteries of super-Earths

Press release about our follow-up observations of a trio of exoplanets detected by the K2 mission, to measure the planets' masses. Video explanation included!

The long and short of it: Iron-rich stars host shorter-period planets

Press release about how planet orbital period seems to be related to host star metallicity, as measure by APOGEE


Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Can Garnet Planets Be Habitable?

Press release about small planet interior models resulting from APOGEE host star abundance measurements

Discovery one-ups Tatooine, finds twin stars hosting three giant exoplanets

Press release about first published planet detections with Planet Finder Spectrograph on Magellan

Diamond ‘Super-Earth’ May Not be Quite as Precious, UA Graduate Student Finds

Press release about 55 Cnc's composition and the implications for its planets